The Importance Of Food Intolerance Testing

Dr Joachim Stolte

Published: 09/08/22

The topic of food intolerances is very complex, and it can often be overlooked in a client’s or patient’s assessment. As a doctor and GP myself, I know that not many doctors study nutrition, so food intolerances are often overlooked.

There are many instances when people fail to detect food intolerances, which leads to unnecessary health issues. Every person is unique.

Hence, we must be aware that food will have a different impact on different people, and the effects can be mild, moderate, or severe.

In many ways, we look, sound, think, act, and feel completely different from each other. Our internal organs are different sizes, as well. They function differently depending on the individual.

In some people, digestive enzymes are deficient, while in others, they are sufficient. 

It varies to what extent the patients immune system functions, how much discomfort and pain they experience, how they manage it, and whether they are sensitive to certain foods.

Genes and epigenetics also play a role in how the body functions.

Lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition are all important factors to consider as well.

As we know, the human body requires certain levels of vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, etc. The amount of vitamins and minerals required by each person may vary.

Having knowledge of human physiology and symptoms is crucial when we are working with clients or patients exhibiting certain symptoms. 

Food sensitivities and allergies can be hard to distinguish sometimes as symptoms can be mild but allergies usually manifest quickly. Nevertheless, an intolerance can manifest slowly, and often common foods that cause intolerance include wheat and dairy; therefore, it is important to consider this, but there are numerous sources of the problem as well.

A food intolerance test can help distinguish between a food intolerance or other gut or health related symptoms. 

It is possible to be ill without even understanding the root cause. Even if you consumed a certain food type every day, you would not be aware that it was causing a reaction unless you showed an extremely visible reaction such in a form of an allergy or allergic reaction.

Some people may think that they have other health issues, but they do not realize all the factors involved. Many health issues arise as a result of factors that the person is not aware of. This is problematic. Signs may gradually become more severe.

Our individual immune system has a number of layers of protection. We need it to protect us from viruses, bacteria, toxins, and parasites. In the case of minor symptoms, the body often drifts into a state of acceptance.

By adapting to new foods or even mild food related toxins, the body tries to operate normally. There will be a point when the body is unable to deal with this and health begins to suffer.

Feeling unwell, feeling fatigued, and getting sick will occur at this point. 

Some people experience food sensitivities or allergies in childhood, while others experience these symptoms later in life.

In case the symptoms have been overlooked or misidentified, then they can become much worse. It can be difficult for us doctors to isolate symptoms as a potential food intolerance issue, therefore a proper food intolerance test can help immensely.

Any delayed hypersensitivity can impact different organ systems and chronic illness can occur which we would not normally associate with food intolerances.

Food intolerance can happen at any stage of life. It may be a short-term problem or persist throughout life. If not identified early, many more issues can occur.

It is paramount that we look at all the symptoms so that we can begin identifying the cause. Simply treating the symptoms will not resolve the issue.

So let’s take the first step and find out if any of your symptoms might be caused by a food intolerance. 

Get your test here or get in contact with us.