Food Intolerance Tests for Children

Dr Joachim Stolte

Published: 18/11/22

Food Intolerance Tests for Children

Food intolerances are on the rise in the UK with nearly 50% of the population being affected by a food sensitivity – including our young people. Our food intolerance tests put parent’s and children’s minds at ease.

Food intolerances can begin at any time, though they often start during childhood. Manifesting in all different ways for different people, they are caused by the body’s inability to break down and digest certain foods (or whole food groups) and can lead to uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms. This is particularly confusing and upsetting when the sufferer doesn’t understand their symptoms, which in the case of food intolerances can range from diarrhoea to gas and bloating to susceptibility to colds and more.

For both children and their parents, living with a food intolerance can be really challenging and disconcerting. That’s why, if you think your child is suffering with a food intolerance, then it’s really important to get their symptoms checked out. Some of the most common culprits include dairy and gluten, but all sorts of ingredients can trigger a reaction. While it’s often really hard to exactly guess what may be causing a reaction, there is an easy solution that can tell you everything you need to know, put your mind at ease and get your youngster back on track: food intolerance tests.

Junior Food Intolerance Tests for Children and Teens

The first step towards enjoying a happier, healthier and more comfortable lifestyle, food intolerance tests for children and teenagers enable parents and youngsters to take control and make the best, informed choices when it comes to food. By pinpointing precisely which foods are causing a reaction, a fast, easy and proactive approach can be taken to cut them out and choose alternatives that won’t lead to uncomfortable symptoms.

Our tests can help accurately diagnose all food intolerances and help parents and children to lead a happier, healthier lifestyle, worry-free.

To get started, all you have to do is send off for one of our junior food intolerance tests. Simple, quick and straightforward, you need only take a finger-prick blood sample and post it back to us to be tested. Part of our thorough food and drink intolerance testing service, our professional team will then check over 100 of the most common food and drink ingredients, including lactose and gluten, to see what your child is intolerant to.

What’s Included:

  • A 30-minute consultation to discuss your child’s test outcome
  • Food intolerance testing for over 100 ingredients, including lactose and gluten intolerance
  • Convenient and comfortable process with a simple-to-use finger prick test
  • Accurate, expert analysis from fully accredited laboratory technicians within 3-5 working days
  • Easily readable results listed in traffic light values: high, borderline and normal reactivity
  • Progress trackable in a food and drinks diary

Our easy-to-use home-to-laboratory junior food intolerance test kit for children and teenagers in the UK comes with free shipping and results are given within 3-5 working days. Buy yours here.